Catharine Robb Whyte – Letters

Pages That Need Review

Travel Letters: Japan, 1934



[printed letterhead as on other pages] room, met Edith Mariani who wanted to speak to us. So we decided to finish the coktails first as they were ordered before the first lot were finished more appeared. The Marianis couldn't wait so we spoke to them for a moment and that was sort of bad. Then more cocktails had appeared in the meantime, and they were very strong too. We refused as many as we were able to break away. Such a day! Having started for us at six. We went to bed utterly tired and rather upset about the whole thing. We may see Mr Miyaoka tomorrow. I guess its all right but after all it wasn't our fault, and Mr Miyaoka knew the Reporters were going to be there.

The joke is that when we said we wanted to study the Japanese method of painting we never meant so many lessons, and were surprised when we found Mr Hotla had been engaged for 10 days. We have enjoyed it all and gotten a lot out of it, but actually we could have leant [sic] as much in half the lessons. Then Mr Miyaoka was so buty letting people know we were here that they all called and we are left with all the actual seeing them to us. We expected to have to move whie the Leerline was here, and Mr Miyaoka told them {above the line:(the friends?)}, and they didn't know we were back until they read in the paper. Everything seemed all sort of hopeless but is fine now. so don't worry, but I thought maybe I'd better write you what happened. It has its amusing side, for we never knew what is being said when Japanese is spoken.

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