



{Top centre: "3"}
Monday we took the car back and
were much relieved to have that affair
settled, for when we bought it, one of
the inducements for buying it was the
good resale value it would have, and
then when we went back the salesman
promptly forgot what he had said before.
Pete + I felt like swindlers but decided
to 'stick' to our facts though it ruined
two days for us [di.......}. We knew we
were in the right, but it was merely
the fact of the salesman over talking &
making rash promises. However, Mr Campbell
the head man was very nice and
straightened it all out for us. When we
went down Monday who should we
run into but Jeremy 'Wilder.' he
works there and we never knew it.
he was great and wanted us to go to his
house for cocktails Wednesday. which
we did.
Most of Monday and Tuesday we
packed. I did up inummerable packages
of books and a few old clothes, pasted
Pete's sketches in a book etc. We had lots
of paper but no string, so in

Notes and Questions

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I better quit before I get some feedback. Do I transcribe line by line, or do I go continuously as I did?